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Investment considerations for a retirement portfolio

Here you’ll find a selection of Fidelity and other fund partners insights on pension and retirement income planning.


Is natural income making a comeback?

Richard Parkin, head of retirement at BNY Mellon, explores some of the misconceptions around natural income and why it might be making a comeback.

7-min watch

Achieving a natural income in retirement

There are different ways of targeting an income in retirement. Newton’s Paul Flood considers the role of natural income when investing for life beyond work.

7-min read

Further insights

Enjoying an active retirement

Why is active management important when investing in retirement? Newton Head of Mixed Assets Investment Paul Flood explores.

Balancing Risk and Return

BNY Mellon Investment Management head of retirement Richard Parkin explains why it could make sense to focus on meeting specific life beyond work objectives for retirement investment planning.

The demographic challenge

The UK is ageing steadily as Baby Boomers arc toward retirement and birth rates fall. Rathbone Income Fund co-manager Carl Stick argues these shifts are exerting immense pressure on our lives.


Understanding multi-asset investing

With so many investment products in the marketplace, we know how confusing it can be for clients understanding what the differences are. This short client guide explains all about multi asset investing: what it is, how it works, and how it could help your clients with their investment goals.

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Continuing Professional Development

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The Pension Forum

Paul Squirrell, our pension expert, clarifies the rules relating to some specific areas of retirement planning.

Fund information and factsheets

Investment Finder offers you a range of search criteria to help you find fund and exchange-traded investments for your clients.