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NextWealth Sustainable Investing Tracking Study
The 6th instalment of the Sustainable Investing Tracking Study shows that interest in sustainable investing has waned, with clients raising the subject with their advisers just 12% of the time. Advised clients with assets already invested in sustainable funds and solutions are largely staying the course though, with the share of advised assets in sustainable funds and solutions remaining steady.
NextWealth Sustainable Investing Tracking Study key headlines
of advised client assets are invested in sustainable funds or solutions
the number of conversations where clients raise sustainable investing (down from 22% in Q3 2022)
the number of conversations where clients raise sustainable investing (firms with 10+ advisers)
of advisers are confident/very confident about their process for recommending sustainable solutions
of advisers agree understanding clients’ sustainability preferences is required under the KYC rules
of advisers use the term ‘sustainable’ in their KYC processes
of advisers use multi-asset/multi-manager funds for sustainable solutions most or some of the time
of advisers use a DFM/managed portfolio service for sustainable solutions most or some of the time
NextWealth Sustainable Investing Tracker Report April 2023
In contrast to previous reports, this edition shows client interest in sustainable investing has fallen sharply, but the share of assets in sustainable funds & solutions hasn’t changed significantly.
NextWealth Sustainable Investing Tracker Report October 2022
Despite challenging markets, this report confirmed momentum continued to build in sustainable investing – as measured by assets, client interest and adviser understanding.
NextWealth Sustainable Investing Tracker Report May 2022
This research focused on two main areas – understanding the client interest in sustainable investing and the processes firms have put in place to support recommending sustainable solutions.
Important Information – Please note that the value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up so your client may get back less than they invest.