Bereavement and planning ahead
In this section, you’ll find all the information you need in relation to administering an account following the death of a client. In addition, you will find forms and information for registering an Expression of Wish for a client’s pension as well as the rules and procedures that relate to inherited ISAs.
You’ll also find comprehensive information on the different types of Power of Attorney and how these can be registered (Court of Protection is covered too).
Following the death of a client, there are set procedures in place for dealing with their investments. Our aim is to make the process as smooth as possible as we appreciate this will be a very difficult time for the family and others connected to the deceased.
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What steps need to be taken
To support the persons responsible for your deceased client’s estate, we have outlined the three steps that need to be taken when handling the investments. The following steps apply to ISAs and Investment accounts only.
Full details and information on other accounts, such as pensions, can be found in our Guide for executors and administrators. This document may also provide useful information to advisers dealing with the death of a client. A brief summary of each step also appears below.
Lump Sum and Death Benefit Allowance (LSDBA)
This allowance limits the value of the lump sum pension savings that can be left for a client’s beneficiaries tax free, if they die before the age of 75. The standard LSDBA is £1,073,100. Some people might have a higher allowance if they also had a higher protected lifetime allowance, or tax-free cash protections. If your client has taken any tax-free cash from their pension while they were alive (including a serious ill health lump sum) then their allowance will be reduced by the same amount. If the pension savings they leave are more than their LSDBA, their beneficiaries will have to pay tax on the extra amount, at their marginal rate of income tax.
If your client dies before the age of 75, their pension can generally be paid out as a tax-free lump sum to their beneficiaries subject to the lump sum and death benefit allowance (LSDBA). If their beneficiaries take their pension as drawdown or as an annuity, then the LSDBA doesn't apply and payments will be tax-free if paid within 2 years of notification of death.
After 2 years of notification of death or if your client dies after age 75, their beneficiaries have the same options, but they’ll have to pay income tax on the benefits and the LSDBA won’t apply.
Forms and guides
Form |
When should I use this form? |
Sell investment and send proceeds to an executor, administrator, or solicitor |
Move assets to an investment account |
Moving assets to an Investment Account on the death of a Fidelity investor |
Please note: |
Inherited ISA Allowance |
Inherited ISA transfer application |
Sell your own Investment Account to use your inherited ISA allowance |
What to do when someone dies
A helpful guide for executors and administrators of a deceased client’s account. This may also provide useful information to advisers dealing with the death of a client.
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