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Technical resources

The rules relating to pensions can be incredibly confusing given the complexity of the Pensions Tax Manual. To help you build your knowledge, we've listed below some useful resources.

The Pension forum

Paul Squirrell, our pension expert, answers technical questions raised via our Pension forum.

Topics include:

  • Employer's contributions and PCLS recycling rules
  • Taking a PCLS after age 75 and the maximum payment that can be made
  • An UFPLS withdrawal and the annual allowance tax charge

Visit the Pension forum

Woman raising hand

Pensions and tax planning training videos

To support anyone studying for pension exams or wanting to build their pension knowledge, we feature a comprehensive range of videos aligned to the learning outcomes for CII exams. What’s more, we also feature personal tax and trust planning training videos to help those studying for CII AF1 exams.

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Technical matters hub

Our ‘Technical matters’ hub provides a wide range of guides and support on retirement and tax planning.

Pension Help & Support

All the information you need on our Pension, including account opening and dealing, re-registrations & transfers, withdrawals and closing an account.