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Sustainable investing glossary

Your A to Z of ESG

The world of sustainable investing is full of jargon – ethical and impact investing, carbon neutrality and credits, negative and positive screening are just a few examples. It’s no wonder that clients can be confused by the vocabulary. Our glossary is designed to help you and your clients build a more common understanding of some of the more frequently used terms.


Adviser guide to sustainable investing

Which factors do managers take into account when investing responsibly? What different investment approaches are employed?


Sustainable investing and the advice process

Taking account of client ESG preferences within the fact-finding process is considered good practice.


Sustainable Investment Finder

Our tool is designed to make the process of selecting sustainable funds easier. Take a look at how it could help to identify potential fund solutions, whatever a client’s sustainable outlook may be.

Important Information - Please note that the value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up so your client may get back less than they invest.