Insights and opinions
Expert opinions on markets, trends and financial planning.
The objective of this page is to present users with objective news, information, data and guidance on personal finance topics drawn from a diverse collection of sources including affiliated and non-affiliated financial services publications. Content is not intended to provide tax, legal, insurance or investment advice and should not be construed as an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation for any security or investment by any Fidelity entity or any third-party. Please note that the views expressed may no longer be current.
Can clients have their cake and eat it?
Retirement decumulation planning is usually presented as a binary decision: The flexibility of drawdown or the certainty of a lifetime annuity. But is there a special alchemy when the two solutions are combined?
Ensuring Expression of Wish forms are up to date is more important than ever
Having an up-to-date Expression of Wish form is vital when it comes to succession planning. However, this is often not the case.
Standard Life plots a smoother course through the Retirement Risk Zone
If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that uncertainty is constant – and we never truly know what’s waiting around the corner.
Help your clients to maximise valuable ISA tax benefits
Following the Autumn Budget, the ISA allowance is arguably now even more precious given the increases to the rates of capital gains tax.
Is a ‘comfortable retirement’ affordable?
‘I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, unless I buy something.’ That quote by the American comedian Jackie Mason sums up the dilemma facing many retirees: Do they have enough financial resources to last for a lifetime?
Pensions – still the first port of call for retirement savings
In this article, I want to illustrate why pensions are still the starting point for clients saving for their retirement.
Retiring by instalments
These days retirement is a nebulous concept. It’s not always obvious where work ends and retirement begins.
Post-Budget and US election – is it time to invest again?
Where do investors stand following two significant events?
The fallacy of a ‘smile’ retirement
There is a view that expenditure in retirement resembles the shape of a smile. For some people this may be true, but for most people ‘smile’ isn’t the path they’ll follow.
Adviser optimism abounds as firms position themselves for growth
Each year, we examine the opportunities and challenges facing advice businesses through our IFA DNA research programme, a survey1 of 200 financial advisers from firms large and small.
Autumn Budget 2024 – what it means for your clients and their money
No surprises from Rachel Reeves’s tax-spend-and-borrow Budget
Why the 4% rule shouldn’t be ‘the tail that wags the dog’
The recent FCA thematic review of retirement advice questioned whether a single rate, that doesn’t reflect individual circumstances, is appropriate.
AI and Cybersecurity – a new era
With AI becoming increasingly prevalent in both the professional and personal spheres, it is essential to understand the potential security risks, alongside the very real advantages associated with this innovative technology.
Cybersecurity: addressing behavioural risks
Why individuals – both advisers and their clients – may be unable to work in the most secure way possible.
What the end of NS&I 6.2% bond tells us about cash savings
The past year has been a golden period for anyone looking for interest on their cash, with savings rates beating inflation by the highest amount in years.
Attack of the TOADs
A TOAD attack, which stands for Telephone-Oriented Attack Delivery, is a relatively new type of cyber attack combining voice and phishing techniques.
Will Labour change the State Pension age?
Why official pension ages may change again
Retirement income: why smoothed funds and why now?
Has the recent market volatility along with significant regulatory change prompted some difficult conversations about retirement income with your clients?
Labour's possible pension changes - what chance they happen?
There was little known about Labour’s plans for our retirement savings prior to last week’s general election - the party’s manifesto contained only a handful of mentions of pensions.
A Labour government: what the election means for your clients' finances
Tom Stevenson’s take on the election
Election manifestos compared: your at-a-glance guide
Tom Stevenson compares the politicians’ pitches
Are smoothed funds the answer to major FCA concerns?
While the dust may have settled on the FCA’s Retirement Income Review, the regulator has stressed that retirement income advice would remain a key focus for its activities moving forward.
How higher interest rates could transform our retirement
Tom Stevenson looks at the inflation story across both sides of the Atlantic and the impact this may have on our investment returns.
The ‘£287,560’ cost of matching the State Pension
We explain Triple Lock Plus - and the real value of your pension.
Capital gains and Investment Accounts
At face value, calculating the gains or losses on unit trusts and OEICs may seem a straightforward process. However, in reality it can be quite complicated.
The LTA replacement regime explained
When the new tax year begins on 6 April 2024, the Lifetime Allowance (LTA) replacement will come into force.
Maximising tax benefits within an ISA
Three brief observations about Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) and their tax benefits.
Investing beyond pensions and ISAs
What should clients do when they have money to invest but have already made their pension contributions and used up their ISA allowance?
Pensions are now even more attractive to those saving for retirement
The attraction of saving into a pension became a whole lot more in March 2023 when a number of pension allowances were boosted in the Spring Budget.
Beneficiary flexi-access drawdown (BFAD) conundrum
Pitfalls and issues to be considered with the payment of beneficiaries flexi-access drawdown death benefits.
Transitional tax-free amount certificates
Applications need to made before the first RBCE in the new tax year.
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