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Crystallisations and transfers

The Standard Life Smoothed Return Pension Fund is available via flexi-access drawdown, either by switching assets within an existing Fidelity Account, or a crystallisation from a Pension Savings Account.

However, it is not possible to hold the fund within a Capped Drawdown Account. If appropriate, a Capped Drawdown Account can easily be converted to flexi-access by contacting us prior to a crystallisation or fund switch, alternatively, you can open a new Flexi-access Drawdown Account when crystallising.


One-off crystallisations

When crystallising on a one-off basis, you have the flexibility to tell us which assets are moved from the Pension Savings Account into Drawdown, as shown below.

How we disinvest for one-off PCLS and taxable income:

Regular crystallisations

When crystallising on a regular basis, you can set up an automated instruction monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually, on the 10th or 25th of the month.

We move assets from the Pension Savings Account into drawdown as shown below.

How we disinvest for regular PCLS.

How we disinvest for regular income

Transfer options

The following transfer options are available. You can view demonstrations on how to do this further down the page.

The smoothed return fund is only available via a Flexi-Access Drawdown Account, Capped Drawdown Accounts are not eligible to hold this fund.

For this reason, the transfer money should initially be invested into cash or a holding fund and switched into the smoothed fund once the ceding provider has confirmed the account as flexi-access. Once the money has been received, you can submit the switch. You can view our switching video here.

Please note, where clients are receiving a regular income, they may experience a gap in payments whilst the transfer takes place. It may be necessary to take additional income to cover this period prior to submitting the transfer request.

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