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Standard Life Smoothed Return Pension Fund

A new retirement savings and decumulation option designed for clients who are seeking less short-term volatility from their pension investment as they navigate to, and through, retirement. The fund can also be held alongside other investments within Fidelity Adviser Solutions’ Pension.

Are you new to Fidelity Adviser Solutions?

If you’re interested in using the smoothed fund for your pension clients and currently do not use our platform, you can find out more about our proposition by clicking the link below.  You will also find information about how to register to use our services.

Who the fund is designed for

The Standard Life Smoothed Return Pension Fund is a risk-rated multi-asset fund combined with a smoothing overlay that dampens day-to-day market volatility – providing your clients with an opportunity to participate in a growth strategy without the worry of short-term ups and downs. It is exclusively available to advisers using the Fidelity Adviser Solutions platform for their clients’ pension accounts.

The fund, which is diversified across asset classes and geographical regions, may be suitable for clients:

  • Looking for growth on their pension pot while reducing short-term ups and downs of investment performance
  • Who would like to take an income from their pension pot
  • Who would like to invest in a range of different assets, managed by Fidelity International
  • Looking for a smoother investment experience, leading to greater peace of mind and a reduced likelihood that they will disinvest during periods of market volatility
  • Would like an income in retirement that is likely to be more consistent than that provided by an unsmoothed fund
  • A value for money smoothed investment option.

Your guide to the Standard Life Smoothed Return Pension Fund

Helping you deliver a life more certain for your retirement clients.

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Please note that the value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up so the client may get back less than they invest.


Target Market and Fund Governance

The Standard Life Smoothed Return Pension Fund is designed for clients who would benefit from smoother investment returns to, and through, retirement.

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Two retirement experts working together

Fidelity and Standard Life have come together to exclusively offer the Standard Life Smoothed Return Pension Fund through Fidelity Adviser Solutions’ pension. This award-winning pension – which has received a 5-star rating and Gold service award from Defaqto for the past five years, as well as a 5-star rating for its drawdown functionality this year – is a compelling retirement solution for both you and your clients.

  • Great value – an annual Service Fee of just 0.25%, plus an Investor Fee of £45 if not being paid on another account
  • Over 7,000 investment options – including company shares, investment trusts and ETFs
  • Cash withdrawal and drawdown options – at no extra cost
  • Adviser charging options – you can take initial, ongoing and specified ‘one-off’ fees
  • Full platform integration – with all our services
  • Online illustrations and dealing – for all transactions.

Standard Life has been trusted to look after the life savings and retirement needs of clients for nearly 200 years. With some of the strongest financial credit ratings in the industry, you can be confident you are placing your clients’ investments with a company that is in it for the long run. They are part of the Phoenix Group, a company which looks after over 12 million clients across the UK and Europe and £270 billion in investments.

*Source: as at 30 September 2023


Have you got further questions or would like more information?

If you have any questions or would like more information about the Standard Life Smoothed Pension Return Fund, then please contact Standard Life by email here.

Should your query be related to your use of the platform in relation to selecting this fund please contact us by email here.

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