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Capital gains reporting

This reporting allows you to calculate investors' capital gains positions for investments held on the platform. It's the easy way of managing and reporting capital gains positions on behalf of your clients.


  • Unrealised and tax-year specific realised gains reports are available on screen or can be downloaded as a PDF or Excel spreadsheet
  • Excess Reportable Income (ERI) is calculated in the report
  • Entry of acquisition costs for capital gains purposes for re-registered and stock transferred investments
  • The consolidated capital gains report allows you to combine both reports into one document
  • There’s the ability to deliver bulk and/or single client reports
  • Reports account for historic deals with daily updates of new transactions
  • Calculations are made using prices from the end of the previous business day.

To support you with our enhanced acquisition cost functionality, we have a factsheet that you can find within ' Help and support' once you have logged in. Here you will also find our comprehensive user guide.

Calculations take into account acquisition date and cost, disposal proceeds, current value, equalisation and notional distributions and corporate actions. Computations follow the general CGT rules of identification and matching.

This content does not constitute financial advice, tax advice or legal advice, or provide any recommendations.

Frequently asked questions

What is an offshore reporting fund?
What is ERI?
What information do fund providers publish?
How ERI impacts a client?
Excess reportable income and capital gains tax
Capital Gains Reporting for Onshore Funds
Capital Gains Reporting for Offshore Funds
When will these changes go live?
Future changes
Things to be aware of