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Documents to support you and your clients
Adviser support
Here you’ll find all the documentation to support you and your clients with the Standard Life Guaranteed Lifetime Income plan.
Adviser guide
All you need to know about the Guaranteed Lifetime Income plan, including its features and benefits.
Target market and fund governance
The Guaranteed Lifetime Income plan is designed for clients who require access to a regular income for life.
The Standard Life Guaranteed Lifetime Income plan - at a glance
A simplified guide to Standard Life’s Guaranteed Lifetime Income plan.
Health and lifestyle questionnaire
This form is based on the industry standard Retirement Health Form and is tailored to the specific areas covered by the Guaranteed Lifetime Income plan.
Health and lifestyle questionnaire user guide
This document can be used to help you complete the ‘Health and lifestyle questionnaire.
The Standard Life Guaranteed Lifetime Income plan suitability wording
Paragraphs designed to help you when compiling a suitability report to support a personal recommendation.
Client's welcome pack (sample)
This is a sample of the documentation your client will receive when they have taken out a plan.
Client support
Product Detail guide
The finer details of how the fund works and the information you need to know before a client purchases a plan.
Client guide
All your clients need to know about the Guaranteed Lifetime Income plan, including its features and benefits.
Guaranteed Lifetime Income plan - key features
The finer details of how the plan works and the information clients need to know before purchasing a plan.
The Fidelity Pension – Client Terms
Disclosure material for the Fidelity Pension.
The Fidelity Pension – Doing Business with Fidelity
Including the Key Features of our Pension.
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Retirement income hub
A hub presenting insights and ideas on ensuring a client’s income lasts a lifetime.