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We offer equities from the FTSE100, FTSE250, FTSE All-Share and FTSE AIM 100 with some shares from the ISEQ20.

These shares are available within ISAs, Investment Accounts and our Pension, held on our new product administration system, alongside the existing range of investment trusts and exchange-traded products. They can be bought and sold as part of lump sum investments, regular savings plans, switching and model portfolio rebalancing. In addition, supported equities can be re-registered to the platform.

Clear and simple pricing

  • No dealing fees apply if you are trading on  behalf of your client (dealing fees may apply if your client trades with us directly)
  • Stamp Duty Reserve Tax at 0.5% for UK investments and Irish investments at 1.0%

Please note: Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) applies to purchases of some European exchange-traded instruments, including some domiciled in Europe and traded on the other exchanges, such as the London Stock Exchange (LSE). It is charged as a percentage of the transaction value and may vary between countries (e.g. Spanish FTT is charged at 0.2%).

There is a flat rate charge of £1.50 that will be made on a purchase or sale of UK shares with a transaction value of over £10,000 if your trade is the only one made at the time if the trade is aggregated (such as those made via your adviser or intermediary), or if the trade was placed by you online as a Market Order or Limit order. It is used to finance the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers.

There is also flat rate charge of €1.25 (in the Sterling equivalent) that will be made on a purchase or sale of Irish shares with a transaction value of over €12,500* if your trade is the only one made at the time if the trade is aggregated (such as those made via your adviser or intermediary), or if the trade was placed by you online as a Market Order or Limit order. It is used to finance the Irish Takeover Panel.

Investment Finder, accessible once you have logged in, allows you to search for and view information about the available equities. You can also chart their performance using Chart and Compare.

Corporate Actions for equities can be viewed online once you have selected your client.

Register with us

To access our technical support and investing tools, you need to be registered for our online services

Find a share

Login and use our Investment Finder to search for exchange-traded investments for your clients.

Compare shares

Login and use Chart and Compare to quickly and easily compare the performance of any of the shares we offer

The value of investments can go down as well as up so your client may get back less than they invest.