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Information only advisers

Information on clients' accounts for adviser firms and professional parties who do not manage a client’s account(s) on our platform.

How can I get information?
What reports are available through the online ‘Information only request’ service?
How do I use the online ‘Information only request’ service?

Frequently asked questions

Here are some of the frequently asked questions we receive from adviser firms requesting account information.

Question not applicable to our products

The following list of questions are not applicable to any of our products available through the Fidelity Adviser Solutions platform.

  • Is there a future guaranteed value?
  • Is there a guaranteed With Profits bonus rate?
  • Do you offer any guaranteed investments?
  • Is there a guaranteed growth rate?
  • Is there a potential for future bonuses?
  • Are there any encashment penalties?
  • Is there a market value adjustment?
  • Is there a loyalty bonus payable under the contract?
  • What is the remaining term of the policy?
  • Does the policy allow lives assured to change?
  • Are there any exit penalties?
  • Does the client hold With Profit Funds?
  • Please confirm the number of segments a client holds?
  • Do you offer a reversionary bonus?
  • Is the client invested in a life styling strategy?
Account information
Products and procedures
Investments, fees, and charges