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Understanding market volatility
Tom Stevenson, Investment Director
Stock markets rise and fall for all sorts of reasons - interest rate hikes, geopolitical changes, company announcements... the list goes on. And while these movements might make your clients feel uncomfortable, they're part and parcel of investing.
Here are some things to help support your discussions with clients when volatility strikes. Although they may be of most use when the market outlook is uncertain, they highlight some general principles of investment which may be helpful to your clients at any time in the cycle.
Markets don’t wait for dawn to break
Our short summary considers how markets have historically pre-empted the economy and what this means for investors.
Diversification is more important than ever
2022 was a highly unusual year when nearly all types of investment fell in value. Our brief summary explains why this doesn’t diminish the case for diversification.
Guides for your clients
Managing investments in uncertain times
Volatility is inevitable in a healthy market, and every long-term investor will experience it from time to time. So, it’s important to be comfortable with the idea of seeing the market change.
Putting time on your side
Summarising for your clients the benefits of taking a longer-term view.
When doing nothing is best
Explaining why it is usually best to remain fully invested through periods of uncertainty.
Latest investment insight

Understanding market volatility
Financial history shows that from time to time markets experience bouts of heightened volatility for many reasons. Fidelity’s interactive tools look at the past and highlight lessons.
Video: Volatility vs Risk
It’s important to remember that risk is about balancing the chances of a loss with the benefits of a higher return over time, while volatility – the inevitable ups and downs of the market – is an integral, often short-lived part of investing.
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Video: Regular savings plans
The difficult part is deciding when to invest and this relies on timing the low points – something to be treated with caution. Investing regular amounts every month helps take the guess work out of it, helping you to smooth your returns over the long-term.
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Video: Diversification for volatile markets
The returns from different asset classes will naturally vary over time. Holding a diverse range of assets in line with your goals and risk tolerance will help minimise the impact of a single asset class on your overall portfolio.
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