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Your questions answered

General information

Why are you making these changes?
Will you move all my accounts onto the new system?
When will my accounts be moved?
How will I know when my accounts have moved?
Will there be any restrictions on my account while you are moving it?
Can I ask you not to move my accounts?

Changes to Fidelity’s own Funds - conversions / charges / unit registration

We have been moving customers onto a new administration system so that we can extend our range of products and services. To be in a position to do this, we need to ensure that we administer Fidelity-managed funds in the same way as non-Fidelity funds, and in line with the industry standard. To ensure that investment charges are easy to understand, Fidelity Adviser Solutions and all similar companies have introduced new ‘clean’ share classes of funds. This means that our Service Fee will be separate from any charges on investments themselves.

What are ‘bundled’ and ‘clean’ share classes?
What happens if I hold a ‘bundled’ or older version of a Fidelity share class?
What will the new charges be for funds that don’t have a clean share class?
How can I find out what the new charges will be on my funds?
Will I have to pay for the conversion?
Are there any tax implications with the conversion to a clean shareclass or transfer to the new system?
How long will the conversion take and will I be able to sell or switch out of my holdings while it is happening?
Will the changes you are making affect the value of my funds?
How will I know when my funds have been converted?
Unit Registration - what changes are you making?
What is a nominee?
What will the effect be of not having my name on the share register?
Will my investments still be protected if anything happens to Fidelity?
How will regular savings plans and withdrawal plans be affected?
I take a regular income from my funds. Will this change?
How much is the Service Fee for Company and Trust accounts?
Will this change make any difference to trading restrictions accounts outside the uk?

Consenting to the planned changes for Fidelity managed funds:

Will these changes apply to all my investments with you?
What can I do if I don’t want you to make these changes?
What can I do if I am unhappy with the new charges or any of the other changes?
Are the dealing cut-off times changing for Fidelity’s own funds and how will you process instructions

Share dealing

What will your share dealing service offer?
What types of orders will you be offering?
Are the charges for this service the same as for my other investments?
What will the charges be for trading Investment Trusts, Exchange Traded Instruments (ETIs) and other investment types on your share dealing service?
What will the £1.50 dealing fee for regular transactions cover?
Can investments I buy through the share dealing service be held in the same account as my other holdings?
What will happen with changes and proposals in the investments I invest in?
Why can I no longer hold partial shares in investment trusts and ETIs?
I have an account set up as a Charity, will I have to pay Stamp Duty Reserve Tax (SDRT) on any buy deals into ETIs?
Will I be able to transfer investments from other providers to you so that they are all in the same place?

Income payments

Will there be any change to the date I receive my income?

Managing cash

Will I be able to hold cash in my account?
What is a Cash Management Account?
How will my cash be protected?
Do you pay interest?
Is interest paid net or gross?

Company & Trust account specifics

How do I send dealing and maintenance instructions to you?
Will I receive the same documentation after the move to the new system?
I want to open a new company or trust account - what do I need to open this?
If I want to make a withdrawal from my company or trust account, which bank details will you send the payment to?
Can I see the company or trust account and holdings online?
Will income tax be charged on rebates for Limited Liability Partnerships?