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Doing business with us

Here you’ll find all the information you need in order to do business with Fidelity, including due diligence materials to support your decision-making process and disclosure material for using with your clients.

Here we detail the information available on clients' accounts for professional parties who do not manage the account on our platform.

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‘Information only request’ service

The online ‘Information only request’ service is available to those adviser firms registered with Fidelity Adviser Solutions. The service provides access to these two reports: 

  • Client Report - this gives you information about the client’s accounts including details of the current valuation, assets held, performance, charges and other account details such as whether a regular contribution or withdrawal is set up on the account. You can set a date range back to April 2015. 

  • Money in and money out report - this provides all contributions and withdrawals for each account. It also includes a summary of contributions and withdrawals from the date the account(s) was first opened, totalled by transaction type. There is also a full breakdown of all individual contributions and withdrawals.

You can find more information on the Information-only advisers page.  


What client information will you provide if I register for information-only rights with you?
Where can I find certain account information?
Procedural information
What charges does the client pay?

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About us

Here you’ll find all you need to know about Fidelity Adviser Solutions and the services we provide.

Awards and recognition

Our commitment to building long-term relationships with advisory firms has earned us a number of industry accolades and top ratings.