About our Pension
Our low-cost, flexible personal pension offers access to funds and ETIs, such as Exchange Traded Products, Investment Trusts and equities, for both pre- and post-retirement planning purposes. It is also available as a Junior SIPP.
Every year we provide clients with an annual pension benefit statement that includes a summary of how their accounts have changed over the previous tax year and how they might grow in the future.
Comprehensive support is available on our advised client website and is referenced in the letter your clients will receive. We have replicated this information below, for your reference.
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About annual benefit summaries
Every year we provide you with an annual pension benefit statement that includes a summary of:
- how your pension account(s) have changed over the previous tax year, and
- how they might grow in the future
This is in addition to the regular valuations you receive quarterly, that cover any other accounts you have with us (such as ISAs and Investment Accounts).
The annual pension benefit statement contains four or five main sections.
Two separate summaries for Drawdown and Savings Accounts
The savings accounts are summarised separately from drawdown accounts as we must show slightly different things for each type of account.
To see how much you currently have in total, you can check the total figure in the summary of investments section.
To get a fuller picture of how much your pension savings might be worth in the future, you should consider your savings and drawdown accounts together.
Pension savings annual statement
Included if you have one or more pension savings accounts. These hold your investments from which you have not yet made any withdrawals.
This section shows (a) how your pension savings account(s) have changed over the previous year up to 5 April and (b) how they might grow in the future.
Pension drawdown annual statement
Included if you have one or more pension drawdown accounts. Once you have reached the normal minimum pension age (unless you have a lower protected pension age), you have the option to take – or ‘crystallise’ – some or all of your pension savings. The minimum age you can normally access your pension savings is currently 55, and is due to rise to 57 on 6 April 2028, unless you have a lower protected pension age. Typically, 25% of the amount you crystallise is taken as a tax-free lump sum. The remaining 75% is then moved to a pension drawdown account, from which you can withdraw further income, which is subject to tax, as and when required.

Next steps
Some other things to consider – remember your adviser will be able to talk to you about your plans for retirement, offering you tailored advice to help you achieve your goals.
Summary of investments
Here we list the different investments you currently have in all your pension savings and drawdown accounts. We show the total amount for each investment across all the accounts you hold with us.
Summary of charges
This shows the charges relating to all your pension savings and drawdown accounts for the previous year up to 31 March.
More information on the summaries
Forecast assumptions
We include a forecast (or estimate) of how much your savings might be worth by the time you reach your retirement date. So that this figure is meaningful, it is adjusted downwards to take into account the effect of inflation. Obviously, this estimate is just a prediction using a number of assumptions (or educated guesses).
For pension savings accounts, the guidelines for assumptions are set by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC). For pension drawdown accounts, the assumptions we use are set out by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
The actual values and the income you may receive is likely to be different from the amounts shown in the forecasts for a number of reasons. We cover these below:
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