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Application deadlines

To ensure your clients' applications are processed on time for the current tax year, please note the following deadlines.


Please note that for any payments out, having settled cash available will improve the efficiency and time frame within which we can process payments.

Type of application


Set up regular income for the first time from a drawdown account to be paid in the 2024/25 tax year.

Fully completed application received by 5 March 2025 and enough settled cash within the Pension Account to make the payment.

Income drawdown – for new or an additional move to drawdown with a request for tax-free cash in this tax year.

Fully completed application received by 17 March 2025 and enough settled cash within the Pension Account to make the payment.

Crystallising benefits – on receipt of a cash transfer or a re-registration transfer

Transfer proceeds to be received by 17 March 2025.
In order for the transfer to be completed we must have all relevant details from the ceding scheme. Please ensure there is sufficient settled cash for the payment.

Uncrystallised Fund Pension Lump Sum (UFPLS) to be received in the 2024/25 tax year.

Fully completed application received by 17 March 2025 and enough settled cash within the Pension Account to make the payment.

Small Pots Payment to be received in the 2024/25 tax year.

Fully completed application received by 17 March 2025 and enough settled cash within the Pension Account to make the payment.

Ad-hoc income payment to be received in the 2024/25 tax year.

Fully completed application received by 17 March 2025 and enough money in the pension cash account to make the payment.

Pension new business applications and top-up requests.

For payments by bank transfer, debit card or cheque:
Fully completed applications and payments must be received by 11:59pm on 5 April 2025.

If an error by Fidelity delays this, then it can be back dated to before tax year end, so long as this is completed within 3 months of tax year end (i.e. by 5 July) as advised by HMRC. We cannot do this after this point.

Errors that cause delay by an IFA or a client (such as incomplete paperwork or payment to the wrong account) cannot be back dated.

Account name: FIL SIPP TRUSTEE UK 
Sort code: 20-93-32 
Account number: 33039005 
Reference: the instruction reference quoted when the instruction is submitted online

Please note that any electronic payments for the following tax year 2025/26 should not be sent until 6th April 2025.


Type of application


Moving assets from a deceased Investment Account or ISA to a new Investment Account, and then use the Investment Account to Bed and ISA (Legacy). Fully completed Moving assets to an Investment Account on the death of a Fidelity investor form, and the Bed and ISA application form by 26 March 2025.
Use excess funds from a deceased estate to fund a current year ISA. (Death pre-6 April 2018). Fully completed Inherited ISA allowance form by 26 March 2025.
Selling a deceased ISA to fund a non-spousal ISA. Fully completed current year ISA application form by 26 March 2025.
Bed and ISA (OEIC to ISA).

Fully completed applications to be received by 9pm on 31 March 2025. Please note that for Bed and ISA applications, where funding is coming from an account with a different name, we can only accept paper applications. More information and guidance on Bed and ISA here.

ISA applications.

Fully completed applications and payments must be received by 11:59pm on 5 April 2025. This includes instructions to open a new Investment ISA or topping up of an existing Investment ISA account via debit card, bank transfer or cheque.

Important information:

  • If you have already submitted a payment via bank transfer, please do not send duplicate payments via debit card.
  • Payments via electronic bank transfer may take time to reflect on your client's account - please ensure payments are made before 11.59pm on 5 April. 
  • Any payments received that exceed your client’s ISA allowance will be invested in your client’s Cash Management Account. This will not impact your client’s ISA subscription and payments invested in the Cash Management Account can be redeemed online.

The quickest* and easiest method of payment is to use online banking. Your clients will need the following information to make a payment: 

Account name: Financial Administration Services Limited
Sort code: 20-93-32
Account number 83385787
Reference: the instruction reference quoted when the instruction is submitted online

Please note that any electronic payments for the following tax year 2025/26 should not be sent until 6th April 2025.

*Some banks do not participate in faster payments and the cut-off times may vary for same day transfers. Please note the amount that can be transferred by faster payments can vary between banks. Payments made after 10pm may not reach us on the same day.

Tax year end extended opening hours

Please see our telephone and webchat opening hours over the tax year end period:


Opening hours


Monday 24 March to Friday 28 March

8:30am - 5:30pm

Monday 31 March to Thursday 3 April

8:30am - 5:30pm

Friday 4 April

8:30am - 8:00pm

Saturday 5 April to Sunday 6 April



Monday 24 March to Friday 28 March

8:30am - 5:15pm

Monday 31 March to Thursday 3 April

8:30am - 5:15pm

Friday 4 April

8:30am - 8:00pm

Saturday 5 April to Sunday 6 April


Important points to avoid delays

Online banking - this is the quickest and easiest method of payment. See 'online payment' section.

Cash available - please ensure cash is available for any payments out as to not delay the process. See 'Avoiding delays' section.

Bank mandate verifications - please ensure any verification on bank accounts has been carried out or that payments are being paid to existing bank accounts already set up on the platform.

Upload & Send - the most effective way to send us documents

Please use your Upload & Send service wherever possible. If you do have to send any paperwork to us through the post, make sure you allow enough time for any cheques and payment slips to reach us.

Our postal address:

PO Box 391 
KT20 9FU

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Please note that with pension products, your clients will not be able to withdraw their money until the normal minimum pension age, unless the client has a lower protected pension age. Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and all tax rules may change in the future. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up so your client may get back less than they invest.