Share dealing service
Available ETIs
Our range of ETIs includes:
- Investment trusts
- Exchange trades Products including exchange traded funds and company shares.
- Shares from the FTSE 100, FTSE 250 FTSE All-Share index and FTSE AIM 100 with some shares from the ISEQ20.
You can search for the available options using our Investment Finder tool.
ETI dealing charges
Dealing charges may apply to trades in exchange traded investments (ETIs) as follows:
- There is no charge for buy, sell or switch deals placed online.
- There is no charge for regular transactions carried out automatically such as for regular savings, regular withdrawals and tax relief investment.
- The charges will differ should your client log in using our end investor website and use our share dealing service. This is because the client share dealing service offers live dealing into the market and does not benefit from the cost savings associated with aggregated dealing. The cost of buying and selling online will be £10 for each deal (switching is not available). Clients can also place orders by phone at a cost of £30 for each transaction.
These charges have replaced the previous fee of 0.1% for transactions in Investment Trusts and ETPs.
Stamp duty of 0.5% may also apply.
Please note Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) applies to purchases of some European exchange-traded instruments, including some domiciled in Europe and traded on the other exchanges, such as the London Stock Exchange (LSE). It is charged as a percentage of the transaction value and may vary between countries (e.g., Spanish FTT is charged at 0.2%).
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